Glass Options
The type of glass you choose will have a direct effect on the energy efficiency of your windows and doors.
A more energy efficient glass product will improve your home’s energy performance in every season, so you’ll save energy and money year-round.
The glass in all of our windows meets or exceeds industry standards. Glass is also available in a variety of attractive and practical options.
Argon Gas Filled
Thermal performance is improved by replacing the air between the panes of a window with Argon gas, an inert, slow-moving gas. Argon gas helps prevent heat loss to improve energy efficiency.

Krypton Gas Filled
Krypton gas is an inert, slow-moving gas that improves thermal performance. Denser than Argon, Krypton gas does an excellent job of preventing heat loss. Available exclusively in North Star triple-glazed windows.

Triple Glazing
Triple-glazed windows utilize three panes of glass to dramatically reduce condensation and thermal transfer while insulating as much as 60% better than double-glazed windows. Our windows from North Star offer optional triple-glazed windows, which gives you incredible energy efficient windows.

Tempered Glass
Tempered glass offers added strength that is up to four times greater than conventional glass so that when shattered, it breaks into small pieces. It is required as safety glazing in patio doors, entrance doors, and side lights

Bronze-Tint Glass
Glass that features a bronze tint can cut down on the amount of glare and heat entering a building.

Self Cleaning Glass
A unique treatment that allows the glass to break down organic dirt that collects on the surface. Dirt washes away with the next rain, leaving no streaks or spots. Pilkington Activ™ Self-Cleaning Glass is available in every North Star window.

Obscure Glass
Obscure glass provides an effective shield without shutting out the sun. Obscure glass is particularly useful for bathrooms, basements or along walkways. North Star offers obscure glass in pebbled or glue chip pattern.

LoE 366 (Cardinal)
LoE 366 is recommended when cooling costs outweigh heating costs, or where summer discomfort from heat build-up is a concern. It has a lower Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) and a very high reflection rate in order to minimize radiant outside heat, preventing heat gain in the summer while still retaining radiant heat in the winter. LoE 366 is the best glass for areas of direct sunlight and most applications in a southern climate.